Friday, April 15

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: Restrictive Relative Clauses

This is one of my favorite animated movies ever. The original idea for the movie is fantastic and it carries a noble, enriching message. I used it to practice restrictive relative clauses.

I. Match the machines Flint Lockwood invented with what they can or can't do.

1. Spray-on shoes

2. Remote control television

3. Hair un-balder

4. Flying car

5. Monkey thought translator

6. Ratbirds

7. A machine

( ) It translate thoughts

( ) it turns water into food

( ) It can't fly

( ) they can fly

( ) it can walk

( ) they don't get off

( ) it grows too much hair

II. Now combine both parts, using restrictive relative clauses. Start the sentences with the given sentence:

He invented...

Ex: 1. He invented spray-on shoes that don't get off.

2 ....................................................

3 ....................................................

4 ....................................................

5 ....................................................

6 ....................................................

7 .....................................................

III. Work in small groups. Think about 3 perfect inventions. Then write a relative clause saying what it can do.

Ex: We are going to invent a machine that can do the homework for us.

Answer key:

5, 7, 4, 6, 2, 1, 3