I. Watch the movie segment and check the activities the couple used to do during the years they lived together.
1 ( ) work around the house together
2 ( ) do home improvement
3 ( ) look for object shapes in clouds
4 ( ) swim on the beach
5 ( ) travel around the world
6 ( ) sell balloons
7 ( ) read books together
8 ( ) share the good and bad moments of life
9 ( ) save money for rainy days
10 ( ) go windsurfing
11 ( ) wear different kinds of ties
12 ( ) dance romantically
13 ( ) Be happy
14 ( ) Fight all the time
Answers: Incorrect items - 4, 5, 10, 14
II. Now write the items above using USED TO or DIDN'T USE TO.
1. They used to work around the house together.