Saturday, September 26

Swingers: 2nd Conditional

This is a fantastic scene. It is funny and pathetic. The development of the scene is unpredictable and students will certainly laugh a lot.
Before Viewing:
Imagine the following situation:

You meet a very interesting girl (guy) and talk to her (him) very briefly. You are very interested in each other. She (He) is attractive and looks very friendly. She (He) is in a hurry and has to leave, but she (he) gives you her (his) phone number. You don’t have the chance to give her (him) yours, though.

A. Now choose the best alternative about you. How would you react in the following situations?

1. What would you do if the situation you have just read were real?

a. call her (him) as soon as possible
b. wait a few days and then call her (him)
c. wait for another opportunity to meet her (him) at the same place again
d. none of the above: justify it

2. Imagine you called her (him) and the answering machine answered the call. What would you do?

a. hang up the phone
b.identify yourself and call again later
c.identify yourself, leave your phone number and wait for her (him) to call
d. none of the above: justify it

3. What would you do if the answering machine disconnected before you finished saying what you had planned to say?

a. call back and complete the message
b. wait for her (him) to call back
c. wait a little and call back again
d. none of the above: justify it

4. How many times would you call her (him) again if she didn’t return the call?

a. once
b. twice
c. as many as necessary
d. none

B. watch the video segment and check if the main character would do the same as you.

C. rewrite the four items above using the 2nd conditional about yourself.


1 – If the situation …………………….., I ………………………………………........

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………….........

3 …………………………………………………………………………………………..........



Sunday, September 20

300: Passive Voice

This is a great movie. The visual effects and colors are unusually gripping. It is one of my favorite epic movies ever. The first scene is excellent for passive voice practice since the narrator uses the target struture to explain Leonidas's journey to become a Spartan king. I'm sure your students will enjoy the scene and use the passive voice in the simple past tense in a contextualized manner.

A. Talk to a partner about the following questions:

1. In a few cultures, couples are allowed to have only one child. Do you think it’s fair? Justify your answer.

2. If you could have only one child, would you still have the baby knowing he/she would be sick forever? Explain.

3. Is it possible to train someone to be a king or a hero? Justify your answer.

4. In ancient Greece, Spartans used to reject and kill all the handicapped children? The whole population consisted of healthy, strong people. What’s your opinion about it?

B. Before you view the segment, rewrite the following sentences using passive voice.

1. Spartans inspected the boy when he was born.

2. Spartans would have discarded him if he were too small or misshapen.

3. Spartans baptized him in the fire of combat.

4. They taught him not to retreat or surrender.

5. They taught him that death in the battlefield was the greatest glory.

6. Spartans took him from his mother and plunged him into a world of violence.

7. They called it the agoge.

8. Rod and lash punished the boy.

9. They taught the boy to show no pain or mercy

C. Watch the movie segment and check your answers.


Answer Key


1. The boy was inspected when he was born.

2. He would have been discarded if…

3. He was baptized in …

4. He was taught not to…

5. He was taught that…

6. he was taken from… and plunged into…

7. It was called the agoge.

8. The boy was punished by the rod and lash.

9. He was taught to …

Sunday, September 13

Big Fish: Past Continuous x Simple Past

This is my favorite Tim Burton's movie. I love him as a director and most of his movies are full of resources for movie activities. Big Fish is full of them. This scene is perfect for the students to practice the past continuous and simple past tenses.

I. Watch the movie segment and write down 3 activities people were doing when time stopped.

Ex: A little boy was drinking soda.

1 ......................................................

2 .....................................................

3 ....................................................

II. Now write down 3 things that happened when time moved too fast to catch up while he was in the circus.


The girl he fell in love with left without talking to him.

1 ...................................................................

2 ..................................................................

3 ..................................................................


Wednesday, September 9

The Other Man: Past Perfect x Simple Past

This is an intriguing scene because it is about a men who finds out his wife has a lover because he decided to investigate her private messages, such as the ones in her cell phone and laptop. I like using it to practice the contrast between the simple past and past perfect tenses.
A. Talk to a partner:

1 - Do you think it is correct to check your husband's (wife's) messages? Justify it.
2 - Is it important to have privacy in a relationship? Explain it.
3 - Do you have documents in your computer that only you have access to? Why (not)?
4 - If you were suspicious about how faithful your partner is to you, would you fuss around his stuff? Why (not)?
5 - If you found out you were being cheated on, what would you do?

B. Watch the segment and check which activity took place first. Write 1 next to the activity that took place first and 2 next to the activity that took place later.

I . ( ) He listened to her voice mail.
( ) He turned on his wife's laptop.

II. ( ) He looked at some pictures of his family.
( ) He tried to open a folder called love.

III. ( ) He tried opening the love folder using some passwords with his family names.
( ) He opened a folder called London.

IV. ( ) He saw the picture of a black man trying to kiss his wife at a party.
( ) He read an email sent by Ralph.

V. ( ) He remembered being introduced to Ralph.
( ) He finished reading the email.

C. Now combine both sentences using the simple past and the past perfect tenses. Make sure you know what action took place first so you can choose the correct verb tense.

I. ..........................................................................................................................................

II. .......................................................................................................................................

III. .....................................................................................................................................

IV. ......................................................................................................................................

V. .......................................................................................................................................


Correct answers:

I. 1, 2
II. 1,2
III. 1,2
IV. 1,2
V. 2,1

C. Possible answers:
I. He had listened to his wife's voice mail when he turned on her laptop.
II. He had looked at some pictures of his family when he tried opening a folder called Love.
III. He had tried opening that folder with passwords of his family names when he opened a folder called London.
IV. He had seen a picture of a black man trying to kiss his wife when he read an email sent by Ralph.
V. He remembered being introduced to Ralph, when he had finished reading the email.

How to prepare your own video activity.

- Select a scene with a sequence of events
- Write down two sentences that took place at different times
- Have students decide which action took place first
- The students combine both sentences, using the past perfect and simple past tenses