Before Viewing:
Imagine the following situation:
You meet a very interesting girl (guy) and talk to her (him) very briefly. You are very interested in each other. She (He) is attractive and looks very friendly. She (He) is in a hurry and has to leave, but she (he) gives you her (his) phone number. You don’t have the chance to give her (him) yours, though.
A. Now choose the best alternative about you. How would you react in the following situations?
1. What would you do if the situation you have just read were real?
b. wait a few days and then call her (him)
c. wait for another opportunity to meet her (him) at the same place again
d. none of the above: justify it
a. hang up the phone
b.identify yourself and call again later
c.identify yourself, leave your phone number and wait for her (him) to call
d. none of the above: justify it
3. What would you do if the answering machine disconnected before you finished saying what you had planned to say?
a. call back and complete the message
b. wait for her (him) to call back
c. wait a little and call back again
d. none of the above: justify it
b. twice
c. as many as necessary
d. none
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