Saturday, December 26

Imagine That: Non-Count Nouns Made Countables

A. Watch the movie segment. Then underline the non-count nouns in the sentences below. Next, use one of the the phrases below to make the non-count nouns you underlined countable.

a piece of

a grain of

a game of

a type (kind) of

a symbol of

an act of

an article of

a bolt (flash) of

a clap of

a drop of

a bowl of

a spoon of

1. They used flour to to make pancakes.

2. They melted butter to fry the pancake.

3. The dad showed that kindness can bring the family together.

4. He showed behavior that most parents don’t usually have with their children.

5. they prayed before the meal, which showed faith.

6. He threw the food away before eating it.

Possible Answers:

1. a bowl of flour
2. a spoon of butter
3. an act of kindness
4. a kind of behavior
5. a symbol (act) of faith
6. a piece of the food

Saturday, December 19

Night at the Museum - Battle of the Smithsonian: Past Continuous

This is a great scene. I like the movie because the idea of bringing historical characters back to life is sensational. This segment is perfect to practice the past continuous tense (or present continuous tense, if you prefer, with adaptations).

A. Talk to a partner:

1. Do you like museums? When did you last go to a museum? Which one was it?

2. What's your favorite kind of museum?

3. Why are museums important?

4. What's your opinion about museums? Are they boring or exciting? Explain it.

B. Watch the movie segment and write down what the people in New York City were doing to celebrate the Japanese surrender during World War II and in Central Park in the pictures below. Make sure you write different actions for each of the pictures.

An unnamed U.S. sailor boldly celebrates Japan's surrender with an unnamed, passing nurse, in Times Square, New York, August 15, 1945 - Alfred Eisenstadt, Life Magazine






Skating in Central Park
Agnes Tait





Friday, December 11

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist: Should (Advice) x Should Have (Past Regrets)

This is an enjoyable movie. This scene shows a beautiful girl doing humiliating things because of the excess of drinking that night. It is great to have students practice giving advice and expressing past regrets, contrasting the use of SHOULD to give advice and in the past to express regrets. Remember that this topic may be sensitive. If you think it is inappropriate for your group of students or your culture, don't use it.

A. Talk to a partner. Discuss the following questions:

1 - Are alcoholic beverages sold freely in your country? What are the regulations on the issue?

2 - What's your opinion about drinking and driving? What should the punishment be?

3 - When is it OK to drink alcoholic beverages?

B. Imagine the following situation.

Imagine that some foreign friends of yours are going out tonight in your city to celebrate a very special occasion. Unfortunately, you have an appointment and you can't go with them. They want do have fun, drink, eat something nice, and meet some interesting girls (guys). Which place would you choose and why?

C. Write down 6 pieces of advice to your friends to enjoy the night in your city safely. Use affirmative and negative statements with SHOULD (NOT).


1 - ............................................

2 - .............................................

3 - .............................................


4 - ..............................................

5 - ..............................................

6 - ..............................................

D. Watch the segment now. Imagine the main character, the drunk girl, was with your group of friends. She drank too much and is extremely inappropriate.

E. Make a list of 5 things she should not have done:

1 - .........................................

2 - .........................................

3 - .........................................

4 - .........................................

5 - .........................................


Saturday, December 5

Shallow Hal: 2nd Conditional

This scene is great because it's unique. Jack Black's character sees his beloved extremely fit and gorgeous, but he doesn't know she is actually a very fat girl. Despite the prejudice, he eventually falls in love with her because of her inner beauty. This scene is perfect for the students to practice the 2nd conditional, imagining the characters seeing the true picture of the events. Here's the lesson plan:

Gwenyth Paltrow plays the love interest of Hal (Jack Black) in this comedy about a shallow man who falls in love with a very fat (but inwardly beautiful woman), because he is hypnotized into believing she is outwardly beautiful.

. Hal's imaginary Rosie and Real Rosie.

A. Watch the segment and check the items of what happened in the video but would definitely be different if rosie were actually as thin as Hal’s imaginary Rosie.

1. Hal told her a bad taste joke about the underwear she was buying.

2. Rosie didn’t understand Hal’s jokes.

3. He had to apologize for his jokes.

4. She ordered a huge meal.

5. The waiter wasn’t surprised by the order

6. The chair broke.

7. Two guys made fun of Rosie’s takeout meal.

8. They didn’t envy Hal’s bragging about his girlfriend.

B. Now rewrite the sentences above using the second conditional. You may use WOULD – if you’re sure - MIGHT, COULD – if you are not 100 % sure.

If Rosie _________________ (be) as thin as Hal’s imaginary Rosie,


Teacher’s Key
B. If Rosie were as thin as Hals imaginary Rosie,

1. Hal wouldn’t tell…
2. She would understand…
3. He wouldn’t have to…
4. She wouldn’t (might not) order…
5. The waiter wouldn’t (mightn’t) be ….
6. The chair wouldn’t break
7. The guys wouldn’t (mightn’t) make…
8. They would envy…