Monday, September 27


Very soon I will provide direct download links to the worksheets straight from each post and you won't have to use scribd anymore. Wait a couple of weeks tops! I have been receiving messages saying scribd has been charging for the worksheets downloads, which is absurd. My main goal is helping teachers and charging for it is against my principles. Thanks for the feedback!

Saturday, September 25

The Beach: Indefinite Articles

This is a great scene for indefinite articles practice. The scene is easy and interesting, and you can also generate discussion on what to take to a desert island.

A. Imagine that you live on a desert island. You can take with you only 10 items from the list below. In groups, check the parentheses of the ones your group would choose. Then complete the blanks of all the items with A, AN, or X (No article).

1. ( ) ...... toothpaste

2. ( ) ...... toothbrush

3. ( ) ...... new pair of swimtrunks

4. ( ) ...... new hat

5. ( ) ...... bottle of vodka

6. ( ) ...... bars of chocolate

7. ( ) ...... aspirin

8. ( ) ...... boxes of tampons

9. ( ) ...... industrial soap

10. ( ) ...... tin of beef curry

11. ( ) ...... batteries

12. ( ) ...... copy of the Daily Telegraph

13. ( ) ...... jasmine tea

14. ( ) ...... lip balm

15. ( ) ...... bath oil

16. ( ) ...... big box of bleach

17. ( ) ...... hair conditioner

18. ( ) ...... cinnamon

19. ( ) ...... anti-perspirant

20. ( ) ...... makeup remover

B. Now watch the segment and check your answers.

C. What would you add to the list?

Answer key:

1. x
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. a
6. x
7. x
8. x
9. x
10. a
11. x
12. a
13. x
14. x
15. x
16. a
17. x
18. x
19. x
20. x


Saturday, September 18

The Omen: Inversion after Negation Adverbials

This movie is a remake of the classic The Omen, one of my favorite thrillers of all times. It isn't as good as the original one, but it is a decent version. I used the maternity scene to have students practice inversion after negative adverbials, which is usually a barren, not motivating grammar point. The scene is controversial, the grammar point can be contextualized and a lot of discussion can be generated from the viewing.

A. Watch the movie segment and rewrite the sentences using the given adverbials.

1. Mr. Robert Thorn knew his son had died at birth after he arrived at the hospital.
(Only after) ........................................................

2. He had never thought his baby would die.
(Never) .............................................................

3. Priests don't usually offer orphans as surrogate children.

(Rarely) ...........................................................

4. Mr. Thorn accepted the offer and didn't tell his wife what had happened.
(Not only ... but also)

5. Mr. Thorn didn't share the secret with his wife.

(On no occasion) ............................................

6. This sort of adoption seldom happens in real life.
(Seldom) ........................................................

7. Mr. Thorn didn't know much about the baby's mother.
(Little) ..........................................................

8. Mr. Thorn hadn't decided to keep the child until he saw the baby.
(Not until ) ..................................................

9. Mrs. Thorn will never be able to bear another child.
(Never) ......................................................

B. Discuss the following questions.

1. Did Mr. Thorn act correctly? To what extent? Explain it.

2. How would you react under the same circumstances?

3. What could go wrong in such a situation?

4. Should adoptions be easier so that situations like the one in the segment do not happen often?

5. Is there anyone wrong in this case? The priest, Mr. Thorn, both, or no one?


Answer Key:


1. Only after he arrived at the hospital did Mr. Thorn know...
2. Never had he thought ...
3. Rarely do priests offer ...
4. Not only did Mr. Thorn accept the offer but he also didn't tell ...
5. On no occasion did Mr. Thorn share ...
6. Seldom does this sort of adoption happen ...
7. Little did he know about ...

8. Not until he saw the child did he decide to ...

9. Never will Mrs. Thorn be ...

Saturday, September 11

Happy Feet: To Be Supposed to

I think this is one of the best animated movies of all times. I love Prince, and this movie has some of his greatest songs. This scene can be used for several grammar points, such as modal verbs, but I used it for the students to practice the use of to be supposed to, which is a tricky grammar point, especially for us Brazilians. There is not a corresponding cognate or expression, so pupils usually misuse it. The scene is great.

Remember: 'to be supposed to' can mean to be expected or required, not only by duty, but also by law, morality, custom etc, to do something.

A. Read the penguins' motto below and try to figure out what it means:


B. As the motto implies, penguins have a belief that they must act the same way to survive and perpetuate the species. Two important premises: penguins sing; they don't dance. Watch the movie segment now and complete the blanks with affirmative and negative forms of the verb to be supposed to.

1. The most important penguins in the colony are disgruntled because penguins ___________ (dance).

2. Penguins ______________ (live) in harmony.

3. Penguins _____________ (leave) the colony for the "outside" world.

4. The head penguin believes that Mumble, Happy Feet, ___________ (drive) the fish away.

5. The elderly penguins __________ (be) touched. He thinks that Mumble _____________ (go) away.

6. Mumble's father thinks that Mumble ___________ (change) to act like a penguin.

7. Mumble's dad ______________ (drop) the egg.

8. Mumble said he _____________ (be) back when he finds out what happened to the fish.

C. Write down 2 sentences saying what you're supposed to do in the classroom and 2 other ones saying what you aren't supposed to do.


Answer Key:
1. aren't supposed to dance

2. are supposed to live

3. aren't suppose to leave

4. wasn't supposed to drive

5. aren't supposed to be / is supposed to go away

6. is supposed to change

7. wasn't supposed to drop (have dropped).

8. is supposed to be

Thursday, September 9

NNEST (Non-Native English Speaker in TESOL) of the Month Interview: Isabela Villas-Boas

I'd like to share an interview given by Isabela Villas Boas, which is professionally enriching and rewarding. Isabela is the Casa Thomas Jefferon Academic Coordinator and her knowledge is admirable.

Saturday, September 4

Flushed Away: Present Perfect

This animated movie is simply wonderful. The whole idea of the movie is extremely intelligent and the graphics are amazing. I loved it. I used this scene to practice the present perfect tense because it shows the mouse Roddy doing a lot of things during the day, which hasn't ended yet. I tried to relate Roddy's reality to my students' routine. My students had a great time with it.

I. Write sentences with at least 10 activities you have done so far today:


I have brushed my teeth.

I have had fruit for breakfast.

1 ...................................................
2 ..................................................
3 .................................................
4 .................................................
5 .................................................
6 .................................................
7 .................................................
8 .................................................
9 .................................................
10 ...............................................

II. Now watch the movie segment from the movie Flushed Away. Check the activities Roddy has performed that were the same as yours.

III. Share your answers with a few partners.

IV. Now write down 5 sentences with activities he has performed today, but you haven't yet.

Ex: I haven't listened to music yet.

1 ....................................................
2 ...................................................
3 ...................................................
4 ...................................................
5 ...................................................